Front End Vs Back End: What’s the Difference?


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If you are someone new to the world of coding, you must have encountered the terms Front End and Back End several times on various occasions but don’t have a clear understanding of what the terms actually mean. Front-end and Back-end refer to the two most crucial parts of web development. The two terms are quite different from each other, but still, the success of one heavily relies on the success of the other.

Front-end is tasked with the look and feel of the website, while the back-end works on the utility and functionality of the website. Let’s imagine a website as a house. The front end is like the exterior of this house. The wall paint, wall hanging, color/design of doors, any ornament (wall hanger), or anything which you can see or feel is the front end. While the back end refers to the things which you cannot see, but are crucial for the house, this may include the electricity supply, water supply, or the construction material used in the house. It is the mixture of these two that lead to the success of a website or an application.

In this article, we will discuss all there is to know about front-end and back-end development technologies. 

Front-End Development

Frontend deals with the visual aspects of a website. It also refers to the ‘client side’ of the application. It is the part of the website that the users see and can directly interact with. It includes everything that may directly impact the user’s experience on the website, such as the text, images, graphs, tables, style, web page layout, colors used, fonts, font colors, buttons, navigation bars, and a lot more.

Front-end developers build keeping the user in mind as they code and create elements/features for the website that will be used and seen by the users. A front-end developer is tasked with bringing life to the visual aspect of the website. 

Generally, UI/UX designers provide the visual designs for the website and the front-end developer brings it to life. Hence, a little knowledge of designing doesn’t hurt to have as a front-end dev. Responsiveness and performance are the other two main aspects of the Front End development. 

The languages used by the Front end developer are discussed – 

1. HTML: Short for HyperText Markup Language, HTML is the most basic programming language. The HTML language is used to define the structure of the web pages and the text documentation by using tags. The HyperText part of  HTML is used to define the link between different web pages, hence completing a website.

2. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets or CSS simplify the process of making web pages presentable and allow you to apply various styles to the website with ease. It uses HTML elements to make a website visually appealing.

3. JavaScript: JavaScript is the most well-known scripting language used to create a website interactive for the user. JavaScript enables you to do complex actions on a webpage. Which lets you run various web-based software and browser-based games.

A Front end developer course will teach you all to use these languages effectively to create a website. Other than these languages, the front end also has many sets of frameworks and libraries, such as AngularJS, React.js, Flutter, jQuery, and Sass.

Back-End Development

Back-end development refers to the part of a website that is not seen by the user but is crucial for the healthy functioning of the website. The back end is the server-side of the website, it stores, arranges, and releases data when needed. The Back end is indirectly accessed by the users through the front end view.

The different languages used in backend are – 

1. PHP: Also known as server-side scripting language designed, especially for web applications.

2. JAVA: Not to be confused with JavaScript, Java is one of the most widely used programming languages.

3. Python: Python is a general-purpose coding language and can be used for both Software and web development.

4. Node.JS: It is a cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside the browser-based application. NodeJS has recently risen in popularity due to the fact that it lets you use JavaScript for both the backend and front end. As of its popularity, many courses are there in the market, you can choose the best Back end developer course with Node Js to excel in this field.

Difference Between Front-End and Back-End

The front-end and back-end are quite different but still cannot function without the presence of the other. Let’s understand the difference between the two. 

  1. The front-end is the part of the website that a user can see and interact with such as the GUI (graphical user interface). The overall design of the website, navigating menus, texts, images, videos, colors, etc are all part of Front End. On the contrary, the Back end deals with the part that is not seen by the user, but it is still crucial for the overall user experience.
  1. Programming languages used for the front end include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript along with the various frameworks and libraries. While the back end uses PHP, Java, Ruby, Python, .Net, and NodeJS.
  1. Front-end developers cannot work independently of back-end developers, except in the case of a static website. But the back-end developers did not have to worry about the front end in their work.
  1. Front-end developers work while keeping the user in mind as they have to develop the website for the users. Front developers also ensure the responsiveness of the website and that a website functions properly on different devices. While back-end developers write code to ensure the scalability and work efficiency of the website.


Web development is one of the most essential parts of the IT sector. Web development simply refers to creating websites like the one you are visiting right now. In today’s world, websites have become a crucial part of any business, whether it be a tech giant or property seller. Being online helps a business grow exponentially regardless of the field they are working and having a website significantly boosts the online presence of a business.

Front End and Back End are two integral parts of website development. The Front End defines the look and feel of the website, while Back-End works to keep the website running flawlessly. It is only together that they can create an awesome website.

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